Friday, April 26, 2013

Wedding craziness

Beautiful flowers I received yesterday.

Before writing anything else - I just experienced my very first real earthquake!! At previous occasions I've always been sleeping or been in the car or something like that or it's just been too small to really notice. But just a little while ago I felt the weirdest thing, it was like someone moved the entire room I was sitting in and the chandelier started shaking. Then it was over very quickly. I went in to check on my sleeping little beauty to make sure he was ok too of course.
Anyway...this week has been very intense. Lots of family members are in town for a wedding tomorrow. A lot of fun but also hectic and I'm feeling a bit tired, especially from last night's cocktail get together here at my house. Too little sleep, some wine and a little guy who is not only an early riser but also very active during his waken hours :) I'm very much looking forward to the actual wedding tomorrow. A beach wedding in Malibu. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Living in LA this probably won't be your last earthquake. Busy week! In in awe that you are able to juggle all the craziness and your little one-good job!
