Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The cutest thing

When out walking during the days I see and experience little things that I might not have seen if I was only passing by in a hurry and not having the time to glance around. And the other day at the park the cutest thing happened. There is this man who usually is there playing his instrument for money. A group of school class with kids walked by, most of them just continued walking but one little guy pulled out his little wallet and gave the man a dollar or some coins - I didn't see exactly. But he chose to spend some of his pocket money on someone else. If this would have been my son 7 years from now I would have been proud. So cute


  1. Naaaw, så kärt!!! Ella och Alice har gjort exakt det där, gett en slant till någon som har mindre än vad de har ❤❤❤

  2. That is really sweet!
