Sunday, April 28, 2013

An American wedding

It was a lovely wedding last night. Very American and romantic, right on the beach in Malibu. What a beautiful scenery. It was so much fun to have been a part of an American wedding because I think it differs quite a bit from a classic Swedish one. And nice to see people happy and in love of course

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wedding craziness

Beautiful flowers I received yesterday.

Before writing anything else - I just experienced my very first real earthquake!! At previous occasions I've always been sleeping or been in the car or something like that or it's just been too small to really notice. But just a little while ago I felt the weirdest thing, it was like someone moved the entire room I was sitting in and the chandelier started shaking. Then it was over very quickly. I went in to check on my sleeping little beauty to make sure he was ok too of course.
Anyway...this week has been very intense. Lots of family members are in town for a wedding tomorrow. A lot of fun but also hectic and I'm feeling a bit tired, especially from last night's cocktail get together here at my house. Too little sleep, some wine and a little guy who is not only an early riser but also very active during his waken hours :) I'm very much looking forward to the actual wedding tomorrow. A beach wedding in Malibu. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Beach premiere!

Maliby Saturday and then yesterday we were a group who went to Venice Beach for a day full of warm nice weather and a relaxing time. It was the first time at the beach for me since a long time back and my little guy's very first beach adventure ever. He really seemed to enjoy himself, to play in the sand and watch his little cousin doing the same and take in the ocean and all the other people hanging out at the beach. Dipping his toes in the cold water wasn't as popular though :) I'm looking forward to when the water gets a bit warmer - I think he will really enjoy it then. It's just a bit tricky to bring babies to the beach because there really gets sand everywhere and of course you have to be so careful with sun screen and not let them be in the sun too much.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Good bye in Malibu

Pacific Coast Highway
Dress from Forever 21, Bag and heels from Michael Kors and Jacket Ralph Lauren Jeans

A friend is moving to the East Coast so we wished him Bon Voyage and said good bye with a party at his place yesterday. If I were him I would feel a bit said about giving this gorgeous place up that has been his home for the last years. He lives right by the ocean in Malibu. So beautiful! Don't we all want to live by the water? But I wouldn't want to live that far off from the city though...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Looking forward to

This coming soon right next to LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art). I bet a lot of tourists will visit this one. And me of course!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Active honey VS tired mommy

While the little wild one slept in his stroller, mommy got some time to lay down and rest a bit in the park this afternoon.

Because when he's up....he's very active. Everything is super exciting and needs to be explored :)

I feel special :)

@ Starbucks today. I got both an exclamation mark and a line :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bath time!

I love to take a bath with my baby before putting him to bed. He loves to bathe with mommy too and can't wait to "jump" in and splash the water and play with all his friends waiting for him in the tub

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hit it

After a filled day with a photo shoot with my little cutie, I was supposed to go to my agency's 50th Birthday Party tonight. But I'm really tired and don't feel like driving far away for just a couple of hours worth when I'm already beat. Am I turning into one of those moms I always said I wouldn't? :) Perhaps not quite, since I brought my boxing gloves and hit the gym instead for a good hour of adrenaline.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

God morning

From my home to wherever you may be... Have a wonderful day

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lights out

A heavy wind has come in over Los Angeles and our electricity has been out back and forth for the entire day. Towards the evening, when it got dark, it went away completely. It's cozy with all the lit candles we put out all over the home but how handicapped you feel without something you take for so granted. And my laundry in the washing machine will not get done now..

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Great find!

My new Ralph Lauren denim jacket. $60 instead of $140.. don't we all love a good deal like that?

MIA & Wedding fun

Me before heading out to the bachelorette party, some Korean barbeque for dinner before continuing to a karaoke bar!, the gift wrapping I did for yesterday's bridal shower and me on my way home Friday night.

I'm sorry I've been missing in action here but I've been a bit low on energy and inspiration this week. Hopefully next week will be a lot better! Anyway, this weekend I've been away on some wedding celebrations - not the actual wedding itself but Friday night on a bachelorette party and yesterday at a bridal shower. I'm learning that weddings are such a big deal here in the US, so much more than what I'm used to in Sweden. This was my very first bridal shower. Since it started at noon I thought it would be a rather casual get together with girls and the bride opening some gifts of lingerie and maybe we play some games and have a drink together. Dressed in skinny green kakhi looking pants, a black flowy top, black strappy shoes with a wodden high heel and a black clutch I got a bit mortified when I noticed almost all the other girls wearing dresses(!).. I would have put on a nice dress too if I would have known the dress bonanza that would greet me, even though I'm probably more of a pants girl... Oh well, I've got the most gorgeous new dress for the wedding that I can't wait to wear :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Some images from last Saturday's night out. The night treated me and my girlfriends to yummy French cocktails and a cool burlesque performance.

The cutest thing

When out walking during the days I see and experience little things that I might not have seen if I was only passing by in a hurry and not having the time to glance around. And the other day at the park the cutest thing happened. There is this man who usually is there playing his instrument for money. A group of school class with kids walked by, most of them just continued walking but one little guy pulled out his little wallet and gave the man a dollar or some coins - I didn't see exactly. But he chose to spend some of his pocket money on someone else. If this would have been my son 7 years from now I would have been proud. So cute