Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One last thing..

Last vacation I took
In December my family and I went to Sweden to celebrate Christmas with our families back home. It was wonderful to be together again and to get a change of scenery but unfortunately we all got sick for almost the entire stay so it wasn't much of a relaxing vacation.

Last greeting card I sent
Oh, I don't even remember in this facebook and email era.. but it was probably to my parents for Valentine's Day this year. I want to remind myself to start sending more!

Last discovery
I've discovered how very dependent I am on a routine, especially now with my son. If things get changed for a day, I don't function! I need my schedule to work or everything feels a bit crazy.

Last time I was starstruck
I spotted Sharon Stone at the Grove a while back. That was pretty cool. She's one of my favorite actresses. She looked great.

Last home improvement
We're creating this photo wall with lots of photos of us and family. It makes the home more personal and it's nice to get to see everyone's faces every day and I like to point out himself and everybody else to my son. He giggles when he sees himself. It's really cute.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Becki! Really interesting to read. Please tell more about yourself!
