Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blast from the past

My mom was in town for a visit and we went hiking up to the Hollywood sign. To this day, I still feel something special when seeing it from a far so standing so close to the big letters was a powerful feeling.

I was going through some old photos on my computer the other day. Do you ever do that? I love looking at old images and remembering all the things you've done that you might not think about until getting a well needed reminder about it. And when thinking about it, I've done a lot of fun things in my days. A lot of them here in LA of course. When first moving here, Hollywood was so very exciting. I was young and still liked to party and we were a group who got together every weekend for bar hopping and clubbing. I would never have the energy for that anymore. Wow, how things have changed. Now a days, the weekends mean family quality time and catching up on sleep and cleaning and laundry :) This city has changed me and shaped me. Some of my most challenging and best times happened here. My son was born here. No matter where I end up in the future, LA will always have a big place in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, Becki. Some people believe that nothing is never truly forgotten, you just have to trigger the memories with, for instance, a photograph.

    LA is a special city, after all, Becki lives there!
