Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter everybunny!

Some "hidden" Easter eggs for the little man in his box of toys :) A teething necklace to bite on, some of his favorite crackers and a handsome Polo Ralph Lauren shirt.

And Mommy got not only lots of candy but also this really nice package from Mr Bunny...

...which contained these super cute pair of denim shorts!

Hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. Over here, we're not celebrating Easter Monday so our celebrations ends tonight. We've had some full days though, including a very generous Easter Bunny who hid eggs all over the living room, for both grownups and babies :) and two Easter dinners, one Swedish one with Jansson's Temptation and sill and one more American and I also had the time to meet one girlfriend for a long lunch and then two other ones for some girl's night out time when baby boy was sleeping in his crib. How was your Easter?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lovely mess


It warms my heart to clean up all the toys after my little love at the end of the day, knowing he's been sitting there entertaining himself, learning and laughing. He tilts the box and grabs all the fun stuff and looks up smiling at his mommy every now and then

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

All these flowers

So much LA beauty on my daily out and abouts. Always eye catching.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Swedish Waffle Day

I found a package of "Ekströms" waffles mix in my cupbord and of course had to make some waffles for today. But without a proper waffle iron they look more like pancakes.. Still yummy though!


I recently got these super convenient underwear, no seams at all and perfect for photo shoots when you're wearing all kinds of different outfits and can't have any bulkiness or lines showing. But perfect too of course for just any tight dress and other items that are sensitive to what you're wearing underneath.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Work x 2

Going home in the downtown LA traffic..

I shot a fashion catalogue in downtown again yesterday. Mommy at the beginning of the day and model in the afternoon. Two very different worlds.. It's fun to get to do what I've done so much of in the past and then the time with my son - that's just the best of course. Both is very hard work. Being a mom is the hardest but absolute most wonderful thing I've ever done. And being a model is far from glamorous. Yesterday I shot so many different outfits in so little time, there is hardly any time for a break, or to eat's just Go go go. I still enjoy the creativity though and to have fun with new people. This time I got a nice bonus too, the client promised to send me a bunch of clothes from the collection. Always very appreciated whenever that happens.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

At the playground

We live right next to a little playground and we walk by almost daily and see all the cute kids play with moms or dads or nannies watching over them. I've been thinking my little one has been too little but we've been stopping by a couple of times and met some other kids and parents. When he's getting older he will probably start to enjoy it more and more. I spent so much time at the playground growing up. It was the natural meeting place for all us children - big and small, living in the same area.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nordic beauty

Today I'm wearing this beautiful ring from Kosta Boda, Sweden. Famous for their glass, they actually make some cool and rather expensive jewelry too. This one is a birthday gift I received some years ago.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One last thing..

Last vacation I took
In December my family and I went to Sweden to celebrate Christmas with our families back home. It was wonderful to be together again and to get a change of scenery but unfortunately we all got sick for almost the entire stay so it wasn't much of a relaxing vacation.

Last greeting card I sent
Oh, I don't even remember in this facebook and email era.. but it was probably to my parents for Valentine's Day this year. I want to remind myself to start sending more!

Last discovery
I've discovered how very dependent I am on a routine, especially now with my son. If things get changed for a day, I don't function! I need my schedule to work or everything feels a bit crazy.

Last time I was starstruck
I spotted Sharon Stone at the Grove a while back. That was pretty cool. She's one of my favorite actresses. She looked great.

Last home improvement
We're creating this photo wall with lots of photos of us and family. It makes the home more personal and it's nice to get to see everyone's faces every day and I like to point out himself and everybody else to my son. He giggles when he sees himself. It's really cute.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

I usually don't celebrate this day very much but this time I went to a party at some friends' house. Really cute and fun. Especially since they went all in with the theme and decorations, even added a huge rainbow in the garden and baked a rainbow layered cake. Fun!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blast from the past

My mom was in town for a visit and we went hiking up to the Hollywood sign. To this day, I still feel something special when seeing it from a far so standing so close to the big letters was a powerful feeling.

I was going through some old photos on my computer the other day. Do you ever do that? I love looking at old images and remembering all the things you've done that you might not think about until getting a well needed reminder about it. And when thinking about it, I've done a lot of fun things in my days. A lot of them here in LA of course. When first moving here, Hollywood was so very exciting. I was young and still liked to party and we were a group who got together every weekend for bar hopping and clubbing. I would never have the energy for that anymore. Wow, how things have changed. Now a days, the weekends mean family quality time and catching up on sleep and cleaning and laundry :) This city has changed me and shaped me. Some of my most challenging and best times happened here. My son was born here. No matter where I end up in the future, LA will always have a big place in my heart.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Put a ring on it

I just rediscovered this gem - a big golden ring with a black lucky charm from Danish brand Pilgrim. I think I bought it at the Copenhagen airport once. It's been sitting on one of my ring stands forever without me noticing it and then today for some reason I picked it up and put it on and fell in love with it again. when that happens.

Bird x 2

March bird.
August birdie.
Sometimes when writing a blog almost daily, chances are things get repeated. That you think in the same way as you did at another occasion before, because it's always "You" and you'll probably always notice certain things around you. Like me capturing this bird at the park yesterday. When I saw it at the blog I thought the image looked somehow familiar. In August I had a post about a day in the park and a bird managed to catch my eye that time too :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Tuesday in the sun

We've had a couple of lovely days here. So warm and summery I brought out my sandals and favorite T-shirt. With us entering summer time last Sunday, the days are getting lighter and longer. After a nice lunch with a friend, mini me and I went for a long walk and ended up in the park.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Good bye dinner

We got inspired from our Greek restaurant visit the other night and made a home made tzatziki.

We continued the good eating with some homemade dinner and cupcakes from Frosted bakery for my mom's last night here in LA. She has spoiled us with cooking and cleaning all week long and we'll miss both her company of course and to get pampered like that. But this time it wont take too long before we'll get to pick her up at LAX again.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Those shoes are made for walking

I like my new flats. My feet feel dressed up but still comfortable. Before becoming a mom I would wear heels a lot, for lunch with a friend or a quick coffee around the corner, even though I've always liked to feel comfortable too. Now a days the feeling of comfort is very important. I need to be able to take long stroller walks and lift up and carry my baby anytime. In a little while I'm sure I'll be chasing him too :)

Ray Stark Bar

( Sorry for bad picture quality..)

You pull out a little box underneath the table to find your utensils :)
A pizza with lots of tomato sauce..

And a date night at the Ray Stark Bar at Lacma resulted in some great wine and a pizza. I've been wanting to try that restaurant for a long time and was glad it finally happened. Very artsy. And for next time - the outside bar right by looks a lot of fun. When spring hits it will be lovely with those warm evenings.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Girls Night with Mom

The guys stayed at home and the girls went out for a fun night out. We went to my favorite Greek restaurant, had some very tasty food and a wonderful time.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


These are just the BEST burgers and fries! In general I don't like burgers at all but In-N-Out's are actually delicious. I don't get to eat here too often though. But usually when someone is visiting we stop by. As we did this time.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fairfax flea market

I don't know if you can tell but this table was..hmm, interesting...would you have swans holding up your table?

A Sunday visit to the Fairfax flea market is something we like to do together when Mom is here. This time only a ring and a vase got to come home with us. You just never know until you've been if you'll find something fun or not. That's part of the whole charm with treasure hunting I guess. We also visited an estate sale in Bel Air but left empty handed. Getting to see different people's homes is always a really fun thing though.