Thursday, March 1, 2012

A sucky movie & a rat

I watched Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" last night. I've been looking forward to seeing it and was glad it finally happened. I mean it was Oscar nominated as best movie and I've heard such good things about it. But what a disappointment! I think it really sucked. Such a ridiculous boring movie! I literally don't understand the praise at all, I'm so stunned. My choice of sweets for the movie wasn't perhaps much better...a giant licorice gummy rat! I'm actually very scared of rodents and I almost had a hard time eating it but it was a gift and I'm usually not the one to turn candy down....Would you bite its tail?

1 comment:

  1. Becki, I agree, Midnight in Paris was just utterly boring and corny. And I hated Rachel McAdams's character. One of the few things I liked about the movie was Paul, the pretentious know-it-all. He was hilarious! That rat looks DISGUSTING! I would NOT eat it!
