Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Christmas

I got the best Christmas gifts! A lovely Theory cardigan, a beautiful Michel Kors ring, books I can't wait to start reading, Mac makeup brushes, makeup from Face Stockholm, Stig Lindberg china and some handmade and personal items...and much more. Perhaps I'll show you some tomorrow! ;)

Swedish Christmas food. Sill, meatballs, Jansson's Temptation...

And of course some sweets afterwards..
I do live in Southern California after all. The palm trees and sun shining through. Even on Christmas Eve.
Since I'm Swedish the big celebration day for me is Christmas Eve and I had a really nice time. Christmas is by far not over yet though. I'm soon on my way to the valley for some more Holiday spirit - the American way. Hope all of you are having a wonderful Christmas!

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