Friday, June 3, 2011

The lovely Kate

I hadn't started modeling myself yet, when I saw Kate Moss' CK ad, in a fashion magazine in the reception area of the hotel in Turkey where my family spent our vacation. But already by then, I took every chance I got to look in those glossy magazines. I studied the beautiful fashion, the photography, all the gorgeous women. That world looked so fascinating. Among Cindy and Linda and Christy and all the other beauties, to me Kate Moss stood out the most. Perhaps because I was only in my early teens and she looked a bit like a little girl, with those big eyes and the petite frame. I got discovered a year later. I was fourteen and a half, when I was approached by a modeling agent in Malmo, a city about two hours away from my small hometown. And Kate Moss hit it big, just at that same time. So ever since I started taking my first photos, I've followed her. Her success has been an inspiration to my own career. And of course the fact that she is only 5'7 and I'm not the tallest model myself. My agents back home, used to say I was their own little Kate Moss. She owned her "shortness" and made it look like that's the hottest way to be. That made me feel that way too. In a world of super tall amazon women, there was one even a bit shorter than I, and in my eyes she was the best one. You go, Kate!


  1. I agree, Kate Moss rules!

  2. Awww...I'm sure that Kate Moss would be totally flattered by this
