Saturday, June 11, 2011

Route 66 - here I come!

Tomorrow I leave for my much anticipated summer trip. I'll be away for about two weeks. You'll find me on the road, somewhere between LA and no man's land...

Swedish treasures

I was right! My parents didn't disappoint...and I got even more than I could ever have wished for. They arrived in LA with a suitcase filled with this...That should last me a while!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Night Sushi around the corner

My parents got delayed and are spending the night in Toronto, so while waiting for my visitors someone<3  treated me to a really nice sushi dinner. A glass of Chardonnay, some classic California rolls and these Coconut Shrimp tempuras. I definitely eat with my eyes too so I love the beautiful arrangement. It was super yummy!

Burt's Bees

This lip balm is the best. It's smooth, has sun screen and gives your lips a subtle pink color. And the smell is really discreet but reminds me of what the lip balms in my childhood used to smell like. A bit old school in a god way.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome to LA!

Tomorrow my wonderful parents will land at LAX. They will have their entire suitcase filled with Swedish goodies for me(!) and we will have an amazing June together, I'm sure! But most importantly, I get to hug my mom and dad again for the first time since before Christmas. My mom made a quick visit to LA in February but I haven't seen my dad since the farewell a morning outside the train station in a very snowy Malmo. I hate goodbyes but, naturally, without them there would never be any hellos either. Like the one tomorrow<3

Ah, poor Kitty..

..but I think we all feel like this sometimes.

Relaxing theraphy (and an illplaced Mexican restaurant!)

I treated myself to a 50 minute massage at a spa this morning. I just love getting a massage, but who doesn't?! It must be the epitome of relaxation. And I don't think it's really splurging actually, it's more investing in yourself. Making sure YOU feel good is as good investment as any. Just like retail therapy, nice dinners and wine and expensive chocolate can make wonders too! I have to get better at totally committing though. Even when lying there on the massage bed, feeling really at ease, I still can't help but thinking about what to make for dinner tonight, some errands I need to run for the day, perhaps a problem that's bothering me that I can't completely let go of. I guess I will always be that way. This particular massage was a bit unfortunate as well, because apparently there is a Mexican restaurant right underneath the spa and all of a sudden they started playing Mariachi music in the middle of the session! I tried to ignore it and focus on the relaxing tunes in my room, but for someone like me, it was hard. I'm very sensitive to sound. I'm anything but pleased with my own downstairs neighbours, but I can't imagine what the spa must have felt like when the restaurant moved in!! Anyway, I smell really good, this fresh scent of Lavender, and my entire body is so smooth and soft. Perhaps next time I throw a taco lunch in there as well! :))

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spanish sole

I came across this picture of these really cute sandals. I would love to put my pedicured feet in them this summer. They are from a Spanish shoe brand named Anaid Kupuri. Check out the website! I like almost all of the different high heel ones. They seem so casual and really easy to wear with lots of different stuff. Unfortunately I think they are only sold across Europe though :( Oh well...I need to try and find something similar over here.

Hello, I think I love you!

Like most girls, I'm childishly fond of this cute little cat. I get instantly drawn to her while out shopping and I see her sweet round face in a store window, speaking to me. I don't know if it's the kid in me or the fact that she really is quite fabulous. I mean she does have it all going for her: she's cute, fun, stylish, youthful...who doesn't want to be like her? I have a stuffed little Kitty (I bought one each for my nieces and then also one for the big kid at the same time!), a key chain, a plate and I also keep my makeup brushes and pencils in two different Hello Kitty glasses, so every morning while putting my makeup on, I get to channel my inner Kitty.
And judging from all the Hello Kitty candies out there, she seems to love candy just as much as I do. A fellow shop - and sweet-a-holic!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A classic beauty

Hopefully this black Prada bag will be mine sometime soon! So classic and pretty.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh by the blue suede shoes..

I love my blue Acne Jeans shoes. And they are just the perfect choice for the feet while celebrating Sweden of course. Blue AND Swedish! A yellow dress to that and I'm more Swedish looking than the flag :)

My guilty little pleasure....

has come to an end :( I've been following "Big Brother Sweden" on the web, every single episode, since it started airing back in February. It's been my little afternoon treat to come home to, after a busy day of auditions, or tucked in bed in the morning with a cup of coffee, the day after a long shoot. "Bad" TV that is actually really good! And addictive :) Congratulations, Simon on the win. And congratulations to Peter and Martin as well. I enjoyed watching all of you. Don't know what to replace you with just yet but I'll figure something out...or it's summer and I probably shouldn't be inside watching TV anyway...

Happy National Day Sweden!

I got to celebrate this past Saturday with an annual Swedish Party with great friends. Meatballs, sill, Jansson's temptation, Lingonberry's always so much fun - bonding with my fellow Swedes and getting to share with my fellow Americans. I don't think I've ever been as Swedish before, as when I moved here. Living so far away from everything I grew up with, makes it even more important to me to keep the traditions and not forget what the "yellow and blue" life used to be like. But I'm also doing everything I can to embrace the American living at the same time.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Black&White style for less

I'm supporting my former employer Styles For Less and just ordered this dress from their website. I love it! I love the draping and the black&white combination. So clean and simple but different at the same time. Can't wait to find it in the mail and see what it looks like on me! ( And what to pair it with! )

Friday, June 3, 2011

And her incredible style!

I would wear whatever she is wearing! She always looks amazing.

The lovely Kate

I hadn't started modeling myself yet, when I saw Kate Moss' CK ad, in a fashion magazine in the reception area of the hotel in Turkey where my family spent our vacation. But already by then, I took every chance I got to look in those glossy magazines. I studied the beautiful fashion, the photography, all the gorgeous women. That world looked so fascinating. Among Cindy and Linda and Christy and all the other beauties, to me Kate Moss stood out the most. Perhaps because I was only in my early teens and she looked a bit like a little girl, with those big eyes and the petite frame. I got discovered a year later. I was fourteen and a half, when I was approached by a modeling agent in Malmo, a city about two hours away from my small hometown. And Kate Moss hit it big, just at that same time. So ever since I started taking my first photos, I've followed her. Her success has been an inspiration to my own career. And of course the fact that she is only 5'7 and I'm not the tallest model myself. My agents back home, used to say I was their own little Kate Moss. She owned her "shortness" and made it look like that's the hottest way to be. That made me feel that way too. In a world of super tall amazon women, there was one even a bit shorter than I, and in my eyes she was the best one. You go, Kate!

A bite of summer

I know it's summer when I've made my first Strawberry cake!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's the point of being rude?

I absolutely HATE rude people! I mean who doesn't? But a lot of people can probably handle them a lot better than I'm able to. I take it really personally as soon as someone is being mean without any reason. Today I asked someone for help and got a rude reply and a door shut in my face. Clearly this woman must have some serious personal issues, but still...who does that?! I've heard the saying" be kind to everyone you meet because everyone is facing some kind of a battle". That's probably very true. Only wish more people would take it to heart.