Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Lance" & 5 simple rules

1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less.

On my May family road trip we made sure to make a stop at Paso Robles wine country. It's so beautiful there. And peaceful. And since watching Falcon Crest in the eighties I've always wanted to go to a place like that :) When visiting one of the vineyards we happened to meet the son of the owner. He was sitting on the patio, chatting and drinking wine with the customers. He was good looking, charming and had that nonchalant coolness about him that made us all think of Lance in the soap opeara. Anyway, he ended up showing us around the winery and taught us about the process of how to make wine and when we wanted to purchase a nice bottle he refused to charge us. Also this little bag of 5 simple rules for happiness that had caught my eye I received as a gift. I had put it at my bedside table and opened up the little bag and looked at it the other day. Good rules indeed. But how simple are they to follow?


  1. Indeed good rules but alas so difficult to follow. Everyone should give them a try though.

  2. That is a great story. "Lance" must have really fancied you. Do you recall which winery it was?
