Monday, May 13, 2013

A shitty day

Before everything turned sour...I noticed this gorgeousness out on my walk.

If yesterday was a good day...this one was not. Some days just everything seems to go wrong. Things I wanted to get done couldn't happen, I found a nice sweater destroyed in my wardrobe and I took out $40 cash at the self service register at Ralph's and than happened to just leave them there! I didn't notice until I opened my wallet much later at another store and realized it was empty. Sometimes it gets a bit much to keep track on everything around you, including a little baby. Maybe he dropped his pacifier on the floor and I picked it up and forgot about the money lying there. This ridiculous warm weather isn't helping either. I'll blame it all on that. My mind isn't working when it's so hot out :( I was in such a bad mood until my baby looked up and smiled at me, then I got some perspective.... Every day can't be the best one though.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it takes some bad days to truly fully appreciate the good ones.
