Friday, May 31, 2013

Wonderful trip

We stopped right by Pacific Coast Highway and spent the night at a little cottage at a place called "Gorda by the sea". The nature and view was amazing.

Past thousands of seals along the way!

On "Angel Island" in San Francisco with my little angel.

"Gorda by the sea"

Since last?...I've been away and come back from a wonderful road trip up to San Francisco with family - also mom and dad flew in from Sweden to join in on the adventure. Spending many hours in a car with a very active little guy isn't always the easiest so many stops and lots of stimulation was the trick.. Together we visited San Francisco - the Golden gate bridge of course and Alcatraz which was so interesting. And then drove along Pacific Coast Highway and stopped at Paso Robles for some wine tasting among other nice visits ...Last time I was in Paso Robles I was 8 months pregnant so this time I finally got to try some wine ;)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

San Francisco

 Greetings from San Francisco! A little family get away along the beautiful California coast.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


My son loves this Marc Jacobs owl T-shirt. He is so fascinated by the owl's big red eyes and keeps touching them all the time and if he sees a pair of eyes in one of his books, he turns around to touch the owl's eyes on my chest again. So sweet. And that's really great when you can entertain your baby with something so easy as putting on a fun T-shirt! I usually wear clothes without a lot of prints and not very bold colors but now I've started to wear this one more often since it's so popular around here :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

A shitty day

Before everything turned sour...I noticed this gorgeousness out on my walk.

If yesterday was a good day...this one was not. Some days just everything seems to go wrong. Things I wanted to get done couldn't happen, I found a nice sweater destroyed in my wardrobe and I took out $40 cash at the self service register at Ralph's and than happened to just leave them there! I didn't notice until I opened my wallet much later at another store and realized it was empty. Sometimes it gets a bit much to keep track on everything around you, including a little baby. Maybe he dropped his pacifier on the floor and I picked it up and forgot about the money lying there. This ridiculous warm weather isn't helping either. I'll blame it all on that. My mind isn't working when it's so hot out :( I was in such a bad mood until my baby looked up and smiled at me, then I got some perspective.... Every day can't be the best one though.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

What a nice sight to wake up to!

My son has very nice hand writing, doesn't he? ;)

And buys Mommy very nice gifts... this silver heart shaped Gucci ring!

My very first official Mother's Day! I got celebrated also when I was pregnant at this time last year, but this time it feels more real of course. Now I know how it really feels to be a Mother and what an amazing wonderful experience it is but also how much hard work you have to put in for your little loved one(s). After I got to sleep in (I woke up by myself at 8.30) and a long nice breakfast, we continued the day with lunch in the park. So nice.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New sunnies

I just got these new brown sunglasses from Chloe. Very classic ones, just how I like them. Summer is almost here, last week treated us to weather a bit over 30 degrees Celsius and every Californian needs their variety of shades, right ;)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The best

I still have the best mom in the world. Another delivery of Swedish gossip and candy! Even little guy got his own little treat too :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Rain rain go away

A very rainy and gloomy Los Angeles today.

Cinco de Mayo

We Angelinos celebrate Cinco de Mayo every May 5th (Mexican's "National Day" kind of but more a day of just indulging in Mexican festivities and Margaritas!) This year it was a very kinds friendly one for me though. Some parents and babies met at the park, had a picnic together and the kids could crawl around and interact with each other. Really cute. We actually had a pinjata though - a very stubborn one who didn't go down until we all had taken turns several times beating it with a stick. But finally the head fell off and all the candy came out :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Well groomed

I got a very well needed haircut today. It was so overdue. I don't like going to the hair dresser, I think its time consuming when I would rather do something else. And I keep thinking that if I only have long hair and not a particular hair cut I don't have to entertain it as much and go as often but of course I know that's not true. Now I feel soo much better. Great how something so easy can improve the feeling of yourself.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Friday early evening out at the lawn of LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) - lots of parents and little ones picnincing together, listening to the jazz band performing. Or rather, the concert is a bit away and then the families are right behind in the grass, where the music isn't as loud and where the little ones can crawl around or play soccer or just hang out. Parents are talking and drinking some wine and eating cheese, unwinding after a long week. Lovely! I want to go every Friday now :)

Adopt a pet!

They are having pet adoption for rescue dogs at the park today. So many cute little puppies looking for a home. My baby loves dogs so he enjoyed looking at all the adorable animals but I feel I'm having my hands full with this little it's not possible to bring a dog into our home at this time. If I ever wanted a dog I would definitely rescue one though!