Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sweden, I'll miss you

We had some lovely weeks in a fall like Sweden, lots of quality time with family. And Swedish candy (of course!) and liver pate and cucumber sandwiches in the morning and late nights at the patio tucked in blankets and all barefoot in the green grass and long walks with the little guy where we used to walk when we were little and dressed in yellow and black going to see soccer with dad (They lost but I was still winning, standing there next to him again). But why is time always so short? When I was younger I thought time lasted much much longer. I'll miss everyone. Saying goodbye is always hard, even more now when my baby wont get to see his family for so long. He was such a good boy, did so well on the long flights. Flying with a little baby is still such an ordeal though! The long trip is tough without a baby, imagine how much tougher it is with one, just things like going through security takes forever...Hopefully we'll forget about it soon enough. I would love to go back for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics! Sweden sounds wonderfully delightful!
