Monday, April 30, 2012


I bit into a peppermint candy and found this: a smiley! :) All the other ones are just plain white inside. Do you think I can consider it good luck?

As good as new

Instead of hitting the stores, tempted to buy something new - look for what might be hiding in your own closet! I promise you there might be so many things you weren't even aware of. I recently came across these two pieces that I had forgotten about. The Michael Kors bag I bought quite a few years ago. I was so happy about it when I got it but then I just started wearing a lot of black bags instead and it has hardly been worn at all. Now I found it and love it! And the little ankle strap makes it comfortable for me wearing it right now. The Mulberry beauty bag was such a nice surprise to find yesterday evening when going through some other stuff in my beauty cabinet. I don't know why it was hidden far in in with some old makeup tools in it. This was one of the very first gifts my husband gave me and I've been using it so much through out the years. Now I will start doing so again. Why not put it in my "new" Michael Kors bag!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another red love

Something I love about living in Southern California - being able to eat fresh strawberries year around.

Kate + Red

I love a red lip and I love Kate so this seems like a match made in heaven. I think I have to try this one.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Talking about perfume...

Has anyone tried it? Let me know how it is.

 ...I don't know if I've shown this one... I was part of an Escada fragrance ad with Olivia Wilde a while ago. It's me to the left ;) It was a fun shoot and I got to work with an amazing photographer.


I'm really into cute perfume bottles. I collect vintage ones and put them on my vanity for decoration. This limited edition Nina Ricci perfume called "Fantasy" would make a cute addition. The aroma is cherry blossom and pear. No idea if I'll like it... but I paid about $70 for my first vintage bottle and that one was empty of course, so a yummy scent is a bonus!

Monday, April 23, 2012

A good friend

This is a must have for every pregnant woman - Palmer's Cocoa Butter soothes that itching belly and helps take care of possible future stretch marks. It's great even if you're not pregnant too of course. I had a small cut on my corner lip and put some right on there and it was gone in a couple of days. Like Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Creme but less fancy :)


I've been told I say this often but I think it's a really good one. Some things are not what we prefer them to be but it's about trying to accept the fact and dealing with it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Auditioning with a belly

Suite 250 on Ocean Park Blvd has been my lucky spot in the past. I've booked a Chrysler commercial and a Lipton tea print ad at this place, among other stuff.

I went back to one of my most visited casting places in Santa Monica today, this time a bit heavier upfront than what I have been in the past...
It feels fun going to an audition with my baby, even though it's hidden inside :) Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Coachella Fashion

Emma Watson in a Mulberry romper.
And Harley Viera Newton rockin' a pair of denim shorts.
Marie Claire magazine listed their fashion favorites from the Coachella music festival and I think these get my vote. Fun and fresh&summery. I Love my belly right now but I'm also looking forward to wearing cute tiny denim shorts again! That's usually what I live in when it's summer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Me and my necklaces

Some of all my little treasures. The porcelain plate I found at the Fairfax fleamarket for a couple of dollar. I love pretty plates just like that to put my jewelry on.

 I like to wear a pendant that has a meaning - that is not just pretty but that tells something.

* The little elephant means "hope" and someone gave this to me when I was feeling things were hopeless.
* Two different angels - the one with a blue stone I bought this summer from a native American in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on our road trip. The other one is a gift and from the Danish brand "Pilgrim"
* The shoe is a Manolo Blahnik and symbolizes my passion for shoes and fashion.
* The blue eye is an "evil eye" that I bought on a family trip to Turkey many years ago. It' s supposed to protect me against evil.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tax season

Aren't doing taxes the most boring thing? I'm pretty sure most people agree with me on that. And in my case, there are just so many receipts that need to be added together and divided into different categories. Almost done now.......zzzzzz.

Party party

I found this in an issue of Glamour magazine and wanted to share. I think these tips are great and something I try to live by myself when throwing a party. What party tips do you have?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Staying dry in the rain

The grapefruit tree outside my bedroom window is getting a lot of water today.
My LA is a rainy one today. Windy too. And even stormy from time to times. I'm nesting inside, cleaning out one of my closets and getting rid of Easter. And oh, it's Friday the 13th today so I suppose it's just the perfect day and setting for a horror movie tonight. How was your Friday 13th?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dresses galore!

Check out all the lovely dresses from British Dorothy Perkins and get inspired for spring:

I'm very picky when it comes to dresses, so many things need to feel right and all work together. But here I want almost every single one. And they do ship to the US as well!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter is coming up

An Easter package from back home that came in the mail!

Tomorrow the beginning of one of my favorite holiday's is here. As usual, it feels like it just sneaked up on us. It was never like that as a kid, then the excitement and preparations made one very well aware what was just around the corner.  With a busy "grown up life" so many things manage to come in between somehow. Wish I could be with my family in Sweden right now but at least I took all the Swedish traditions with me when moving over here.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Baby Shower

Some images from my lovely shower a week ago. Thank you to everyone who came and made it special.

Yummy car

Marc Jacob's Daisy perfume is one of my absolute favorites. Should I take my fondness to the next level and cruise around LA in one of these?