Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cooking and melting away

There has been way too much of eating take away food lately, I have to admit. But when I do decide to brake the trend I always appreciate it so much. The nice aroma that fills not only the kitchen but the entire home, the anticipation and the taste of it - which is so much better than Baja Fresh or whatever has been on the menu. This was a new chicken dish I tried and everybody liked it, including little guy who ate with his own little blue plastic fork. With some help from M&D;) Getting food to stick to the fork isn't so easy... Here's the recipe if anyone (Swede) would like to try it out:

By the way, I'm quite bold to be using an oven in this weather.. like it isn't warm in the house already... 30-35 degrees Celsius is just plain awful and I can't wait for it to go away. I can't function or think straight when it's this warm and sticky. I'm longing for some Swedish winter soon...

1 comment:

  1. Wunderbar! Great recipe! And if a picky little toddler likes it, then it must be REALLY good! Btw, I agree regarding the weather.
