Sunday, September 22, 2013

It really is

It really is starting to look a bit like fall. Look at those gorgeous colors!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beginning of fall

It's gotten a little bit chillier here lately. At least towards the evening you'll need a long sleeved sweater when going out. And for the first time in I don't know how long, I've been dressing my little man a bit more warmly. I like it. It's cozy after all those summer months of really hot weather.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Table with nicknacks

Having a yard sale is a very American thing - where you put out a bunch of stuff that you don't need or use anymore in front of your house. I love going to yard sales and flea markets and estate sales and things like that. The excitement lies in the dream and chase to find something original or vintage or like the deal I made on my Manolos a couple of weeks ago, remember? ;) I've never had a yardsale myself until this weekend.. Both Saturday and Sunday our lawn turned into a bit of a madness with people pulling and grabbing and haggling.. It was intense but fun!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Becky Day!

Donut AND croassaint for breakfast... :)
On our way to lunch.

My favorite sallad at Cafe Midi on La Brea (where we spotted "Sue Ellen Ewing" aka Linda Gray;) )

How does it look?

I got treated to a well needed (and well deserved I think..) "Becky Day" yesterday - a day that was only meant for me and to fully pamper me :) Breakfast in bed, a wonderful one hour massage, lunch in the sunshine with my two guys, a long shopping spree and then sushi and wine for dinner! Lovely!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I scream it's so hot!

Cools you down nicely in the heat but more interesting than tasty I would say.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Little rascal

Where is the TV remote control? Oh, in the bath tub :)

Cooking and melting away

There has been way too much of eating take away food lately, I have to admit. But when I do decide to brake the trend I always appreciate it so much. The nice aroma that fills not only the kitchen but the entire home, the anticipation and the taste of it - which is so much better than Baja Fresh or whatever has been on the menu. This was a new chicken dish I tried and everybody liked it, including little guy who ate with his own little blue plastic fork. With some help from M&D;) Getting food to stick to the fork isn't so easy... Here's the recipe if anyone (Swede) would like to try it out:

By the way, I'm quite bold to be using an oven in this weather.. like it isn't warm in the house already... 30-35 degrees Celsius is just plain awful and I can't wait for it to go away. I can't function or think straight when it's this warm and sticky. I'm longing for some Swedish winter soon...