Saturday, December 29, 2012

Back home again

Sweden treated me to a white Christmas

Here I am in my very own bed, tucked in with a cozy pj and with my laptop, listening to the heavy rain outside the bedroom window. We returned to LA late yesterday evening after a long and tough flight. I'm back from my Christmas celebration with the family in Sweden. Hope all of you have had a lovely holiday season and haven't missed me too much. We all need to pull the plug sometimes and going over seas and leave both the mac and iphone at home is a relaxing thing for me to do. It was so wonderful being with my loved ones again but unfortunately this trip was filled with a lot of illness too. I was sick even before jumping on the plane on Lucia Day and it turned into "the cold from hell" before we reached Sweden. With us all being sick in the flu with fever and coughs and everything in between, including little guy:( it wasn't fair I then got sick again the day before returning home yesterday. Throwing up the entire evening, I didn't think I would be able to go on the plane yesterday morning but I bounced back pretty quickly and managed to land on LAX last night in one piece. I've never been as glad to come home as right then I think.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Becki!! Seems like you really had a bittersweet journey. I love that picture with the snow.
