Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Out of love

My little boy wasn't feeling well last week and his appetite wasn't the greatest so we tried doing what  we could to get him to eat something. Feeding Mommy when we were having lunch together was a lot of fun (and then of course I tried to sneak every other bite into his mouth).
And I don't know how many of these cheese snacks I ate... and I didn't even want a single one to begin with. But he was so cute and proud of himself when he very determined grabbed them with his little fingers and stuffed Mommy's mouth full.. how can you say no? :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Auditions, auditions

Lots of driving and lots of stuck in traffic...

Today mini me had an audition too with mommy and daddy :)

I'm sorry, I haven't been here much lately but this week (as many other ones) has disappeared so quickly and there have been so many things to do - auditions for example. Wow, I haven't been doing so much of that lately but these last days there have been a lot of them. Tomorrow I'll go to my 4th one and to one callback. I almost didn't get excited about the callback at first because I was actually looking forward to a more calm day with my son tomorrow. Of course I'm glad for the recognition though, that's the whole point with auditioning after all... :) And hopefully the weekend will be a restful one.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Girls, don't hate me too much now... but yesterday I walked by a yard sale some neighbors on my street were having and got these fancy Manolo Blahniks for $10! :) Woho!

Saturday, August 17, 2013


It doesn't get much more beautiful than this. Out on a Saturday walk with my little honey.

A very popular activity during the day.

How cute aren't these mini Converse?

 Friday night at Stark Bar at the art museum Lacma with a girlfriend.

I found this image of me wearing a Wewood watch. I did this shoot six weeks after my baby was born. So I always think of him when I come across an ad.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


I was really craving just ordinary cornflakes when I stood at the cereal aisle at the grocery store the other day. I'm not sure why because I've never been eating lots of cornflakes in my days.. But lately I've been starting my mornings this way :) Sometimes you just want something really simple and ordinary, I guess.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yard sale find

I know I shouldn't collect more things, because we're actually planning a yard sale ourselves soon, to get rid off some old stuff that we aren't using anymore. But when you walk by something that catches your eye and only costs $3, could you resist? I couldn't... I think this sculpture or what to call it, is really cool and goes so well with what's already in our living room. Score!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Thursday look

Shades - Gucci, Top - Gap, Jeans - Hudson, Bag - Ralph Lauren, Sandals - Sam Edelman, Hair pin - Marc by Marc Jacobs

Coral Tree

Coral Tree Cafe is so good. En errand in the valley brought us to the one in Encino today. I love their tasty salads, sandwiches and drinks. This chopped sallad was enormous but I managed to almost finish the entire bowl. With a little help from a hungry little guy.. For some reason, eating out of M's or D's plates is the best. I'm sure, he wouldn't been as interested if I had put the exact same food in his own bowl...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Like the sun

Who doesn't like sunflowers? They are pretty and fun at the same time. I got really happy when my husband came home with these the other day. We had some guests over for dinner and they added that extra little touch.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Summer feeling

Shades - Chloe, Dress - H&M, Belt - Armani Jeans, Sandals - Sam Edelman, Bag - a vintage find

Friday, August 2, 2013

The best!

I've said it before and say it again... I have the best mom in the world. These colorful friends will keep me company this weekend. Thank you Mom!!